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- URN:
- urn:cts:latinLit:phi0620.phi001.opp-lat1
- Work:
- Elegies
- Textgroup:
- phi0620
- Author:
- Propertius, Sextus
- Editor:
- Garrod, Heathcote William
- Language:
- Latin
- Alt title:
- Elegiae
- Host title:
- The, Oxford book of Latin verse, from the earliest fragments to the end of the Vth century A.D
- Publisher:
- The Clarendon Press
- Place publ:
- Oxford
- Date publ:
- 1912
- Edition:
- Reprint
- Date mod:
- 1934
- Phys descr:
- print, xliii, 531 p.
- Pages:
- 166-191
- Word count:
- 25490
- Table of cont:
- Book i. 22 ("His Birthplace")-- Book iii. I ("His Place in Poetry")--Book iii. 2 ("The Power of Song")--Book i. 1 ("The First Onset of Love")--Book ii. I2 ("A Portrait of the Love God")--Book i. 9 ("To one who despised Love, and is now Enslaved")--Book i. 7 ("To the same: Poets of Epic and Poets of Love")--Book iii. IO ("Cynthia's Birthday")-- Book ii. 28b ("Cynthia's Sickness")--Book ii. 26a ("A Dream About Cynthia")--Book i. 5 ("Warning to a Rival")--Book ii. 9 ("To Cynthia on her Kindness to his Rival")--Book ii. 8 ("Cynthia is stolen from him")--Book iii. 2I ("Athens Shall Cure Him of His Love")--Book ii. II ("Cynthia will one day be but Dust and Ashes")--Book iv. 7 ("Cynthia Dead")--Book i. 20 ("Hylas")--Book iv. II ("Cornelia's Plea")-- Book ii. IO ("The Triumphs of Augustus in the East")--Book iii. I8 ("Elegy on the Death of Marcellus")--Book ii. 27 ("The Lover Alone Knows in What Hour Death Shall Come to Him")--Book ii. I3 ("When I die, Cynthia")
- Notes:
- Chosen by H. W. Garrod.
Reprint of 1912 edition. - Subjects:
- Latin poetry
- Host catalog records:
- WorldCat