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in Aristotelis ethica Nicomachea vi commentaria
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- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg4031.tlg003.opp-grc1
- Work:
- in Aristotelis ethica Nicomachea vi commentaria
- Textgroup:
- tlg4031
- Author:
- Eustratius Metropolitan of Nicaea
- Editor:
- Heylbut, Gustav
- Language:
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
- Abbr title:
- Eustr. in En.
- Host title:
- Eustratii et Michaelis et anonyma in ethica Nicomachea commentaria
- Publisher:
- typ. et impensis G. Reimeri
- Place publ:
- Berlin
- Date publ:
- 1892
- Phys descr:
- print, XV, 654 S.
- Pages:
- 256-406
- Word count:
- 61730
- Subjects:
- Aristotle,--384-322 B.C.--Nicomachean Ethics
Aristoteles - Host catalog records:
- WorldCat
- Open Library