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Anonymi Epigrammatici
Paton, W. R. (William Roger)
Alt title:
Abbr title:
AG 9.15, AG 9.20, AG 9.21, AG 9.31, AG 9.32, AG 9.38, AG 9.47, AG 9.48, AG 9.49, AG 9.61, AG 9.65, AG 9.67, AG 9.68, AG 9.74, AG 9.105, AG 9.108, AG 9.115, AG 9.115b, AG 9.116, AG 9.118?, AG 9.121, AG 9.122, AG 9.124, AG 9.125, AG 9.126, AG 9.127, AG 9.12
Host title:
The, Greek anthology, Vol III
W. Heinemann
G.P. Putnam's sons
Place publ:
New York
Date publ:
Date mod:
Phys descr:
print, 5 v. illus. 17 cm.
10-13, 18-23, 26-27, 32-39, 56-57, 60-77, 82-85, 92-93, 96-105, 108-111, 132-135, 170-171, 176-177, 190-209, 216-223, 238-239, 250-253, 254-267, 270-271, 274-299, 302-303, 318-327, 328-335, 338-347, 350-3, 3
Word count:
Table of cont:
Epigram Number 15 (Probably on a Picture of Love.) -- Epigram Number 20. -- Epigram Number 21. -- Epigram Number 31. --Epigram Number 32. --Epigram Number 38. --Epigram Number 47: "On a Goat that suckled a Wolf." -- Epigram Number 48. -- Epigram Number 49. --Epigram Number 61. --Epigram Number 65. --Epigram Number 67. -- Epigram Number 68. --Epigram Number 74. --Epigram Number 105. -- Epigram Number 108. --Epigram Number 115: "On the Shield of Achilles." --Epigram Number 115b. -- Epigram Number 116. --Epigram Number 118.? --Epigram Number 121: "On the Hyacinth."--Epigram Number 122: "To a Swallow." -- Epigram Number 124: "On a man cutting a Laurel with an Aex." -- Epigram Number 125. -- Epigram Number 126: "What Clytmnestra Might have said..." --Epigram Number 127 -- Epigram Number 128? - Epigram Number 130: "The Olive-tree Speaks." -- Epigram Numbers 131-135. --Epigram Number 137: "A certain half starved grammarian to the emperor Hadrian." and "The Emperor's Reply Thereto." --Epigram Number 138.-- Epigram Number 141. -- Epigram Number 142.--Epigram Number 145. --Epigram Number 146. --Epigram Number 148. --Epigram Number 157-160. -- Epigram Number 162: "On a Pen." -- Epigram Number 163-164.--Epigram Number 177. --Epigram Number 184. -- Epigram Number 185. --Epigrams Number 187-189. -- Epigram Number 190: "On Erinna's Poem the Spindle." -- Epigram Number 191: "On Lycophron's "Cassandra." --Epigram Number 194?. --Epigram Number 195. --Epigram Number 198.--Epigram Number 199.-- Epigram Number 207: "On the Manual of Epictetus." -- Epigram Number 208: "On the Manual of Epictetus." -- Epigram Number 209: "A Fowler to A Bird." --Epigram Number 210: "On the "Tactics" of Orbicius." -- Epigram Number 211: "On Nicander." -- Epigram Number 212: "On Nicander." -- Epigram Number 213: "On Nicander." -- Epigram Number 252. - Epigram Number 317. --Epigram Number 325: "On a shell with an image of Love carved inside it." --Epigram Number 328. --Epigram Number 357. -- Epigram Number 358: "On Plato's 'Phaedo'."-- Epigram Number 362. --Epigram Number 366: "Sayings of the Seven Sages." --Epigram Numbers 371-376.--Epigram Number 380.--Epigram Number 386. --Epigram Number 388-9?-- Epigram Number 392. -- Epigram Number 399. --Epigram Number 402: "On Pompey the Great."? --Epigram Number 431: "On a Thief who found a Gold Sword."--Epigram Number 436: "An Inscription from Syracuse." --Epigram Number 448: "Homer's Question." -- Epigram Number 449: "What Love would say if he were in love." --Epigrams 451-2: "What Philomela would say to her Sister Procne." --Epigram Number 453--Epigram Number 454: "What Callipe would say to George." -- Epigram Number 455: "What Apollo would say about Homer." -- Epigram Number 456: "Pasiphae to Love." -- Epigram Number 457: "What Achilles would say if Agamemnon were wounded."-- Epigram Number 458: "What Ulysses would say on landing in Ithaca." --Epigram Number 459: "What Achilles would say on seeing Ulysses in Hades." -- Epigram Number 460: "What Achiles would have said..." -- Epigram Number 461: "What Pyrrhus would say on entering Troy." --Epigram Number 462: "What Deidamia would say when Pyrrhus had sacked Troy." -- Epigram Number 463: "What Hector would say when he saw Achilles in the Armour." -- Epigram 464: "What Paris would say when Menelaus was wounded." -- Epigram Number 465: "What Althaea, entreating Meleager, would say." --Epigram Number 466: "What Alcestis would say...." -- Epigram Number 467: "What Peleus would say...." -- Epigram Number 468: "What Hera would say when Heracles was deified." -- Epigram 469. -- Epigram 470: "What Achilles would say to reconcile Ajax with Ulysses." -- Epigram Number 471: "What Nestor would say on learning of Ulysses' return." -- Epigram Number 472: "On Ulysses." -- Epigram Number 473: "What Agammenon would say when Achilles was armed." -- Epigram Number 474: "What Idothea would say on seeing Helen in Pharos."-- Epigram Number 475: "What Helen would say...." -- Epigram Number 476: "What Hector would say...." -- Epigram Number 477: "What Thetis would say..." --Epigram Number 478...."What Priam would say....." -- Epigram Number 479: "What Perseus would say....." -- Epigram Number 480: "What Hippodamia would say...." -- Epigram Number 483. -- Epigram Number 492: "On a Soldier's Arms." -- Epigram Number 493. -- Epigram Number 494. -- Epigram Number 495. --Epigram Number 498: "On a Persian." -- Epigram Number 499. -- Epigram Number 500. -- Epigram Number 501: "On a Earthquake" -- Epigram Number 504: "On the Muses." -- Epigram Number 505: "On the Muses." -- Epigram Number 510. -- Epigram Number 511. -- Epigram Number 512: "On a Book."--Epigrams Number 514-515. -- Epigram Number 520: "On Alcaeus." -- Epigram Number 521: "The Muses to Sappho." -- Epigrams Number 522-523. -- Epigram Numer 524: "A Hymn to Dionysus (containing his Epithets in Alphabetical Order) -- Epigram Number 525: "A Similar Hymn to Apollo." --Epigram Number 527. --Epigram Number 529: "On the Bed of a Harlot made of Laurel." -- Epigram Number 530: "On an Unworthy Magistrate." --Epigram Number 531: "On the Isaurians." -- Epigram Number 532: "To a Pumpkin" and "The Pumpkin's Reply." --Epigram Number 533: "On a Beast Fighter who escaped by means of a Pole." --Epigram Number 534: "On Artemis." -- Epigram Number 535. -- Epigram Number 536. --Epigrams 538-539, 540: "Nonsense Verses." --Epigram Number 547. --Epigram Number 553. --Epigram Number 571: "On the Nine Lyric Poets." -- Epigram Number 574. --Epigram Number 580: "On the Roman Months." --Epigram Number 581: "On a Beast-Fight in the Theatre." -- Epigram Number 582. -- Epigram Number 583: "On Thucydides." -- Epigram Number 584: "On the Statue at Delphi of Eunomus the Lyre-player." -- Epigram Number 585: "On a Dish with a Relief of Venus and Loves." -- Epigram Number 589: "On a Statue of Hera suckling Heracles." -- Epigram Number 590: "On a Group of Hepheastus, Athena, and Erectheus." --Epigram Number 591: "On a Group of Ares and Aphrodite." -- Epigram Number 592: "On a Shield Representing the Birth of Christ." -- Epigram Number 593: "On a Statue of Medea." -- Epigram Number 594: "On a Picture of Socrates."-- Epigram Number 595: "On a Picture of Apelles." --Epigram Number 596: "On a Picture of Chilon."--Epigram Number 601.-- Epigrams Number 606-612: "Inscriptions on Baths." --Epigram 613: "On the bath of Maria." -- Epigram Number 615: "On a Bath at Smyrna."--Epigram Number 616. -- Epigram Number 617: "On a too cold Bath." -- Epigram Number 618: "On a Bath in Byzantium." --Epigrams Number 621-622: "Inscriptions on Baths." -- Epigram Number 632: "On other Hot Baths." --Epigrams Number 634-640, "Inscriptions on Baths." -- Epigram Number 646: "On the Pontic Heraclea." -- Epigram Number 647: "On Rome." -- Epigram Number 655: "On the Banqueting Hall of Magnaura." -- Epigram Number 656: "On the House called Chalce..." -- Epigram Number 660: "On the Basilica of the Schools in Constantinople." -- Epigram Number 666: "On a Garden Called Eros." -- Epigram Number 670: "On a Mole in Smyrna on which there was a cistern." -- Epigram Number 671: "On a Lighthouse in the same City." -- Epigram Number 672. -- Epigram Number 673. --Epigram Number 674: "In the Pharos at Alexandria." -- Epigram Number 675: "On the Lighthouse at Smyrna." -- Epigram Number 676: "On a Fountain in the Asiatic Mount Olympus." -- Epigram Number 678: "On a Village Near Smyrna." -- Epigram Number 679: "On an Aqueduct at Assus." -- Epigram Number 680: "On a Sea-side Garden at Antioch in which was a Bath." -- Epigram Number 682: "On the Obelisk in the Hippodrome." -- Epigram Number 683: "On Alpheus and Arethusa." -- Epigram Number 684: "On the Fountain on the Island Taphos." -- Epigram Number 685: "On Camarina the Sicilian Lake." -- Epigram Number 686: "On the Eastern Gate of Thessalonica." -- Epigram Number 687: "On a Painting." -- Epigram Number 688: "On the Gate of Argos." -- Epigram Number 689: "On the Gate of Eugenius in Constantinople." -- Epigram Number 690: "On the Gate called Xylocercus at Constantinople." --Epigram Number 691: "On the Gate of Rhesius at Constantinople." -- Epigram Number 692: "On some building." -- Epigram Number 693: "On a Temple of Fortune." -- Epigram Number 694: "On an Arch." -- Epigram Number 695: "On the Stone Acoetonus." -- Epigram Number 696: "On the Portico of the Basilica in Constantinople." -- Epigram Number 697: "On another part of the same Portico." -- Epigram Number 698: "On the City of Mopsuestia." -- Epigram Number 699: "On a Fontain called Olympias." -- Epigram Number 701: "On the Temple of Olympian Zeus at Athens." -- Epigram Number 702: "On the Temple of Olympian Zeus at Athens." -- Epigram Number 703: "An Extract From Herodotus." -- Epigram Number 704: "On a Rotunda." --Epigram Number 705. --Epigram Number 710: "On the Pyramids in Memphis."-- Epigrams Number 713-14, 721a?, 725-727, 729, 731, 733, 735-7, 741: "On Myron's Statue of a Heifer." -- Epigram Number 755: "On Scylla in Bronze." --Epigram Numbers 759-760.-- Epigram Number 761: "On a Painting of a Bunch of Grapes." -- Epigram Number 779: "On the Base of the Sun-Dial in the Arch of the Basilica." -- Epigram Number 780: "On a Sun-dial." -- Epigram Number 781: "On the Lattice of a House." -- Epigram Number 783: "On a Hermaphrodite." -- Epigram Number 784: "On a Small Bath." -- Epigram Number 785: "On a Vaulted Chamber on the West Side of the Forum." -- Epigram Number 786. --Epigram Number 788. -- Epigram Number 789: "On a Rhetor."-- Epigrams 799-801: "On the Porphyry Column in the Philadelphion." -- Epigram Number 802: "On a Portrait of the Emperor Marcian." -- Epigram Number 803: "On a Portrait of the Empres Sophia." -- Epigram Number 804: "On a Column with a Statue of the Emperor Justin." -- Epigram Number 805: "On a Stele of Ares partly buried in Thrace." -- Epigram Number 806: "On a Sun-dial." --Epigram Number 807. -- Epigram Number 810-11. -- Epigram Number 812: "On Justin." -- Epigram Number 813: "On Sophia his Wife." -- Epigram Number 814: "On a Bath." -- Epigram Number 815: "On Another." -- Epigram Number 816: "On a Dish Belonging to Eubulus." -- Epigram Number 817: "On an Altar-Cloth." -- Epigram Number 818: "On a Disc." -- Epigram Number 819: "On a Cup." -- Epigram Number 820: "On the Entrance of the Heraeum." -- Epigram Number 821. -- Epigram Number 822: "On a Dish with the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac." -- Epigram Number 825: "On a Machine for Drawing Water..".--Epigram Number 826?: "On a Satyr standing by a Well and Love Asleep." (also attributed to Plato)
Greek and English on opposite pages
A chronological list of the more important books containing verse translations from the Greek anthology": v. 1, p. xiii-xv.
Greek poetry
Greek poetry--Translations into English
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