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- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0086.tlg032.opp-lat1
- Work:
- Physiognomonica
- Textgroup:
- tlg0086
- Author:
- Aristotle
- Editor:
- Foerster, Richard
- Translator:
- Bartolomeo da Messina
- Language:
- Latin
- Series:
- Bibliotheca Teubneriana
- Host title:
- Scriptores physiognomonici graeci et latini, Vol I
- Publisher:
- in aedibus B. G. Teubneri
- Place publ:
- Lipsiae
- Date publ:
- 1893
- Phys descr:
- text, 2 v. 18 cm.
- Pages:
- 1-91
- Word count:
- 6014
- Table of cont:
- I. Physiognomonica Pseudaristotelis, graece et latine, Adamantii cum epitomis graece, Polemonis e recensione Georgii Hoffmanni arabice et latine.-- II. Physiognomonica anonymi, Pseudopolemonis, Rasis, Secreti secretorum latine, anonymi graece, fragmenta, indices.
- Subjects:
- Physiognomy
- Host catalog records:
- WorldCat
- LC Permalink