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- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0074.tlg001.opp-eng1
- Work:
- Anabasis
- Textgroup:
- tlg0074
- Author:
- Arrian
- Editor:
- Godolphin, Francis Richard Borroum
- Translator:
- Chinnock, Edward James
- Language:
- English
- Alt title:
- The Anabasis of Alexander
Alexandri anabasis - Host title:
- The, Greek historians, The complete and unabridged historical works of Herodotus, Volume II
- Publisher:
- Random house
- Place publ:
- New York
- Date publ:
- [1942]
1942 - Phys descr:
- print, 2 v. fold. map. 24 cm.
- Word count:
- 80714
- Notes:
- translated by George Rawlinson
Thucydides, translated by Benjamin Jowett
Xenophon, translated by Henry G. Dakyns [and] Arrian, translated by Edward J. Chinnock. Edited, with an introduction, revisions and additional notes, by Francis R. B. Godolphin.
"First printing."
"Selected bibliography": v. 1, p. xxxviii. - Subjects:
- History, Ancient
Greece--History--Persian Wars, 500-449 B.C