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- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg011.perseus-eng1
- Work:
- Symposium
- Textgroup:
- tlg0059
- Author:
- Plato
- Editor:
- Lamb, W. R. M. (Walter Rangeley Maitland),
- Language:
- English
- Series:
- Loeb Classical Library
- Host title:
- Lysis
Gorgias - Publisher:
- W. Heinemann
G.P. Putnam - Place publ:
- London
New York - Date publ:
- 1925
- Phys descr:
- print, xx, 535 p.
17 cm. - Pages:
- 172-223
- Word count:
- 17530
- Table of cont:
- Lysis --Symposium -- Gorgias.
- Notes:
- Greek with English translation on opposite pages.
with an English translation by W.R.M. Lamb.
Issued with various printing dates.
Earlier printings have at head of t.p.: Plato with an English translation, V
later printings have: Plato in twelve volumes, III.
Imprint varies: later printings issued by Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. (either alone or jointly with W. Heinemann, London).
The most recent printings lack "Plato in twelve volumes" on t.p. - Host catalog records:
- WorldCat