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On Hunting
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- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0032.tlg014.perseus-eng1
- Work:
- On Hunting
- Textgroup:
- tlg0032
- Author:
- Xenophon
- Editor:
- Bowersock, G. W., (Glen Warren)
- Translator:
- Bowersock, G. W., (Glen Warren)
- Language:
- English
- Series:
- Loeb Classical Library
- Alt title:
- Cynegeticus
- Host title:
- Scripta minora
- Publisher:
- W. Heinemann
- Place publ:
- London
- Date publ:
- 1925
- Edition:
- Reprint
- Date mod:
- 1984
- Phys descr:
- print, xlvii, 515 pg
- Pages:
- 365-459
- Word count:
- 9257
- Notes:
- with an English translation by E.C. Marchant
- Host catalog records:
- WorldCat