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- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0032.tlg006.opp-grc3
- Work:
- Anabasis
- Textgroup:
- tlg0032
- Author:
- Xenophon
- Editor:
- Hewitt, Joseph William
- Language:
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
- Alt title:
- Anabasis, books I-IV
- Host title:
- Anabasis, books I-IV
- Publisher:
- University of Oklahoma Press
- Place publ:
- Norman
- Date publ:
- [1962]
1962 - Edition:
- [New ed.]
- Phys descr:
- print, 516 p. illus., maps, plans, 21 cm.
- Word count:
- 58307
- Notes:
- Edited with an intro., notes, and vocabulary by Maurice
W. Mather and Joseph William Hewitt.
"A few useful books for the student of the Anabasis": p. 48-49. - Subjects:
- Iran--History--To 640
the Younger--Cyrus--d. 401 B.C - Other catalog records:
- Worldcat