Nemesianus, Marcus Aurelius Olympius
- Textgroups:
- stoa0209
- CITE id:
- urn:cite:perseus:author.965
- Stoa id:
- stoa0209
- Alt id:
- LCCN n 50001377
- Name:
- Nemesianus, Marcus Aurelius Olympius
- Abbr:
- Nemes.
- Alt names:
- Nemesianus
M. Aur. Olympius Nemesianus
Marcus Aurelius Olympius Nemesianus
Nemesianus, von Karthago
Nemesian, von Karthago
Nemesiano, Marco Aurelio Olimpio
Nemes. - Field of activity:
- Bucolic Poet
- Notes:
- Author's Cynegetica ... 1917
His The eclogues and Cynegetica of Nemesianus, 1986
Oxford class. dict., 2nd ed. (Nemesianus, Marcus Aurelius Olympius
wrote late 3rd cent.)
Ency. Brit., 15th ed. (Nemesianus, Marcus Aurelius Olympius, fl. ca. A.D. 280)
His The eclogues of Nemesian and the Einsiedeln manuscript, c1992
His Le egloghe, c1994: t.p. (Nemesiano) p. 7 (Marco Aurelio Olimpio Nemesiano)
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Vol 2, 1867, p. 1151: "
Brill's New Pauly: "Nemesianus, M. Aurelius N. Author of bucolic writings, before AD 284?, the name Carthagin(i)ensis appended in some MSS indicates, N. came from Africa. He wrote four bucolic poems (Bucolica, Buc.) and a didactic poem about hunting (Cynegetica, Cyn.), of which verses 1-325 are extant. The dedication of the Cyn. to the emperors Carinus and Numerianus..enables dating to shortly before AD 284. Whether N. also wrote Halieutica and Nautica, as maintained by SHA Car. 11,2, is doubtful, as is the authenticity of two fragments of a didactic poem on catching birds (De aucipio) ..." from üppers, Jochem (Düsseldorf)
. "Nemesianus." Brill's New Pauly. Antiquity volumes edited by: Hubert Cancik and
Helmuth Schneider . Brill, 2010. Brill Online. Tufts University Library. - Author info:
- Wikipedia
- Worldcat Identities
- Smith's Dictionary
- URN:
- urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0209.stoa002 Click here for Work record
- URN:
- urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0209.stoa001 Click here for Work record