Evenus Parius 5./4. Jh. v. Chr
- Textgroups:
- tlg0251
- CITE id:
- urn:cite:perseus:author.617
- Tlg id:
- tlg0251
- Name:
- Evenus Parius 5./4. Jh. v. Chr
- Abbr:
- Even.
- Alt names:
- Εὔηνος, Πάρος
Evenos, von Paros
Eveno, di Paro
Euenus, Parius
Evenos, Sophist
Evenos, Dichter
Evenus, Elegiacus
Evenus, Elegiacus
Even. - Field of activity:
- Elegist
- Notes:
- TLG Canon of Greek Authors and Works, Third Edition, pg. 159
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Vol 2, 1867, p. 84-5: "Evenus...the best known of these poets of this name are two Elegists of Paros, mentioned by Eratosthenes, who says that only the younger was celebrated"
Brill's New Pauly: "Eratosthenes distinguishes between two Elegists from Paros, both named E. (Harpocr. s.v. Εὔηνος 139,15 Dindorf), others maintain that there had only been one...." from Bowie, Ewen (Oxford)
Bowie, Ewen (Oxford)
Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
Strauch, Daniel (Berlin). "Evenus." Brill's New Pauly. Antiquity volumes edited by: Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider . Brill, 2008. Brill Online. - Author info:
- Wikipedia
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0251.tlg001
- Word Count:
- 158 Click here for Work record