Euphorion of Chalcis b. ca. 276 B.C
- Textgroups:
- tlg0221
- CITE id:
- urn:cite:perseus:author.596
- Tlg id:
- tlg0221
- Alt id:
- LCCN n 2003052022
- Name:
- Euphorion of Chalcis b. ca. 276 B.C
- Abbr:
- Euph.
- Alt names:
- Εὐφορίων
Euphorion, Chalcidensis
Euphorion, von Chalcis
Euforione, di Calcide
Euforión, de Calcis
Euforió, de Calcis
Euphorio, Epicus
Euph. - Field of activity:
- Epigrammatist
Epic poet
Historian - Notes:
- Magnelli, Enrico. Studi su Euforione, 2002: p. 1 (Euforione ... poeta
di Calcide)
Dictionary of Greek literature, 1966 (hdg.: Euphorion of Chalcis
b. ca. 276 B.C.
philosopher and poet, author of numerous works in prose and verse ... Unfortunately there are only very few fragments, so that any critical estimate is diffcult)
Greek and Latin authors, 1980 (hdg.: Euphorion
Greek poet
b. ca. 276/275 B.C.)
TLG Canon of Greek Authors and Works, Third Edition, pg. 160
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Vol 2, 1867, p. 97-8: "Euphorion, of Chalcis, an eminent grammarian and poet..."
Brill's New Pauly: "Euphorion, Greek author with varied interests, born in Chalcis between 275 and 268 BC..... - Author info:
- Wikipedia
- Smith's Dictionary
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0221.tlg004
- Word Count:
- 63 Click here for Work record
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0221.tlg001
- Word Count:
- 1116 Click here for Work record
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0221.tlgX01 Click here for Work record