Eugenes Epigrammaticus 3. Jh. v. Chr
- Textgroups:
- tlg0184
- CITE id:
- urn:cite:perseus:author.587
- Tlg id:
- tlg0184
- Name:
- Eugenes Epigrammaticus 3. Jh. v. Chr
- Alt names:
- Εὐγενής
Eugenes, Epigrammaticus - Field of activity:
- Epigrammatist
- Notes:
- AP 16.308
TLG Canon of Greek Authors and Works, Third Edition, pg. 159
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Vol 2, 1867, p. 85: "Eugenes, the author of an epigram, in the Greek Anthology, upon the statue of Anacreon intoxicated...The epigram seems to be an imitation of one by Leonidas Taurentinus on the same subject..."
Brill's New Pauly: "Writer of an epigram in iambic trimeters about a work of art that represents the old, drunken Anacreon (Anth. Plan. 308): a very faithful, ambitious imitation of two poems by Leonidas of Tarentum (Anth. Plan. 16,306f.
the expression ‘swan of Teos’, Τήιον κύκνον, in v. 2 is an allusion to Antipater of Sidon 7,30,1). The epigram may be from the beginning of the Imperial period. About the poet, whose name is very rare, nothing is known...." Degani, Enzo (Bologna). "Eugenes." Brill's New Pauly. Antiquity volumes edited by: Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider . Brill, 2009. Brill Online. Tufts University Library. 17 November 2009 - Author info:
- Smith's Dictionary
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0184.tlg001
- Word Count:
- 43 Click here for Work record