Colluthus of Lycopolis
- Textgroups:
- tlg4081
- CITE id:
- urn:cite:perseus:author.393
- Tlg id:
- tlg4081
- Alt id:
- LCCN n 85310974
- Name:
- Colluthus of Lycopolis
- Abbr:
- Coluth.
- Alt names:
- Κόλλουθος
Coluthus, of Lycopolis
Kollouthos, ho Lykopolitēs
Colutus, Thebanus
Coluto, Tebano
Coluthus, Epicus
Coluth. - Field of activity:
- Epic Poet
- Notes:
- His Colluthi Lycopolitani Carmen de raptu Helenae, 1880
Encyc. Brit. (Colluthus of Lycopolis, fl. ca. 500
Greek epic poet)
s classical dict. (Coluthus
native of Lycopolis in Egypt)
LC data base, 3/10/86 (hdg.: Colluthus)
Oxford class. dict. (Colluthus, epic poet from Lycopolis)
Papyros-Larous. (Kollouthos ho Lykopolitēs)
Quintus, Smyrnaeus. Quinti Calabri Derelictorum ab Homero libri quatuordecim, 1541: t.p. (Coluti Thebani ...)
Il rapimento di Elena di Coluto Tebano, 1837
Encycl. Amer
TLG Canon of Greek Authors and Works, Third Edition, pg. 104
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Vol 1, 1867, p. 815: "One of the late Greek epic poets, was a native of Lycopolis in Upper Egypt, and flourished under the emperor Anastasius, at the beginning of the sixth century of our era. He wrote laudatory poems (ἐγκώμια δι᾽ ἐπῶν), an heroic poem, in six books, entitled Καλυδονικά, and another entitled Περσικά. These are all lost, but his poem on "The Rape of Helen" (Ἐλένης ἁρπαγή) was discovered, with Quintus Smyrnaeus, by the Cardinal Bessarion in Calabria..."
Brill's New Pauly: "A Greek native of Lycopolis in Egypt, who lived during the reign of Anastasius I (AD 491-518)....epic poet, author of a poem about the Calydonian Boar Hunt (Kalydōniaká in six bks.), of encomia (hymns of praise) in hexameters and of an epic poem Persiká, which may have dealt with Anastasius's triumphs over the Persians in the year 505 ....His surviving work is a small epic poem in 392 verses, the ‘Rape of Helen’ (Ἁρπαγὴ Ἑλένης, discovered by Cardinal Bessarion in a southern Italian MS, and strangely not mentioned by the Suda...." Fornaro, Sotera (Sassari). "Colluthus." Brill's New Pauly. Antiquity volumes edited by: Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider . Brill, 2009. Brill Online. . - Author info:
- Wikipedia
- Smith's Dictionary
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg4081.tlg001
- Word Count:
- 2346 Click here for Work record