Bianor Bithynius um 17 n. Chr
- Textgroups:
- tlg0145
- CITE id:
- urn:cite:perseus:author.272
- Tlg id:
- tlg0145
- Name:
- Bianor Bithynius um 17 n. Chr
- Alt names:
- Bia'nor, of Bithynia
Bianor, Epigrammaticus
Bianor, Epigrammatiker des Philippos-Kranzes
Bianore, di Bitinia
Bianor, Epigrammatiker
Bianor, von Bithynien
Bianor, Bithyner
Bianor, Epigrammaticus - Field of activity:
- epigrammatist
- Notes:
- Zuweisung von AP 7.644,671
9.252 fraglich
TLG Canon of Greek Authors and Works, Third Edition, pg. 84
"Bia'nor, a Bithynian, the author of twenty-one epigrams in the Greek Anthology, lived under the emperors Augustus and Tiberius." from Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology," Vol 1, 1867, p. 486.
"Bianor, Writer of epigrams in the 'Garland' of Philippus (Anth. Pal. 4,2,11), γραμματικός (grammatikós) from Bithynia, who lived in the first half of the 1st cent. AD (cf. Anth. Pal. 9,423 about the destruction of Sardes by earthquake in AD 17)...." Degani, Enzo (Bologna). "Bianor." Brill's New Pauly. Antiquity volumes edited by: Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider . Brill, 2007. Brill Online. Tufts University Library. 23 July 2007 - Author info:
- Smith's Dictionary
- Wikipedia
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0145.tlg001
- Word Count:
- 763 Click here for Work record