Secundinus Manichaeus
- Textgroups:
- stoa0251
- CITE id:
- urn:cite:perseus:author.1714
- Stoa id:
- stoa0251
- Alt id:
- no2010094321
- Name:
- Secundinus Manichaeus
- Field of activity:
- Epistolary
- Notes:
- Augustine, Saint. De natura boni
Contra Secundinum, 2010: t.p. (Secundinus) p. 5 (des Manichäers Secundinus) p. 162-163 (Secundinus was a contemporary of St. Augustine who wrote him a polemical letter exhorting him to return to Manichaeism
Augustine responded with his tractate Contra Secundinum Manichaeum)
Clavis patrum Latinorum, 1995: p. 249 (Secundinus) p. 128 (Secundini Manichaei)
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology: "Secundinus, a Manichaean, known to us only as the author of a letter addressed to Augustine, in which he gently upbraids him for having deserted the sect to which he was once attached, and urges him in the most earnest and flattering language to return...." - Author info:
- Worldcat Identities
- Smith's Dictionary
- URN:
- urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0251.stoa001 Click here for Work record