Tullius Geminus 1. Jh. n. Chr
- Textgroups:
- tlg1742
- CITE id:
- urn:cite:perseus:author.1433
- Tlg id:
- tlg1742
- Alt id:
- VIAF34844255
- Name:
- Tullius Geminus 1. Jh. n. Chr
- Abbr:
- Tull.Gem.
- Alt names:
- Tullius, Geminus
Geminus, Tullius
Geminus, Epigrammaticus
Tullius, Epigrammaticus
Tullius, Politiker
Tullius Geminus, Epigrammaticus
Tull.Gem. - Field of activity:
- Epigrammatist
- Notes:
- TLG Canon of Greek Authors and Works, Third Edition,
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Vol , 1867, p. 1:
Brill's New Pauly: "Geminus, writer of epigrams, to whom the Anthologia Palatina attributes ten epigrams
sometimes with the nomen gentile Tullius in front (Anth. Pal. 9,410, however, is ascribed to Tullius Sabinus). The author could be the Τύλλιος from the ‘Garland’ of Philippus (Anth. Pal. 4,2,9), perhaps identical with C. Terentius Tullius Geminus (cos. suff. AD 46)...." - Author info:
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg1742.tlg001
- Word Count:
- 343 Click here for Work record