Dares Phrygius

CITE id:
Stoa id:
Alt id:
LCCN n 83033840
Dares Phrygius
Dares Phyrg.
Dar. Phyrg.
Alt names:
Dares Phrygrius
Dares, of Phrygia
Darès, de Phrygie
Dares, von Phrygien
Darete, Frigio
Dares Frigio
Dares, Frigio
Dares, Frigius
Frigiĭ Dariĭ
Dares Phyrg.
Dar. Phyrg.
Field of activity:
Epic Poet
Fictitious Author
Oxford class. dict. (Dares of Phrygia)
Encyc. Brit., 1960, under Dares Phrygius (supposed author of a work in Latin, purporting to be a translation of a Greek original, entitled Daretis Phrygii de excidio Troiae historia. The De excidio forms the chief source for the numerous Middle Age accounts of the Trojan legend)
under Troy (Old Greek writers mention an account of the destruction of the city earlier than the Homeric poems, and in the time of Aelian (2nd cent. A.D.). This Iliad of Dares, priest of Hephaestus at Troy, was believed to be still in existence
but an unknown Latin writer, living between 400 and 600, took advantage of it to compile Daretis Phrygii de excidio Trojae historia)
Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Vol 1, 1867, p. 943: DARES (AiJfnjj), was, according to the Iliad (v. 9),a priest of Hephaestus at Troy. There existed in antiquity an Iliad or an account of the destruction of Troy, which was believed to be more ancient than the Homeric poems, and in fact to be the work of Dares, the priest of Hephaestus.
Brill's New Pauly: "The ‘Phrygian D.’ is the fictitious author of a supposedly contemporary account of the Trojan War (Historia de excidio Troiae). The anonymous Latin author (5th cent. AD?) poses as Cornelius Nepos..." Dingel, Joachim (Hamburg). "Dares." Brill’s New Pauly. Brill Online, 2013. Reference. Tufts University Library. 30 April 2013
Author info:
Worldcat Identities
Smith's Dictionary

Works Currently Cataloged

De excidio Troiae historia